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Accounting Principles

Accounting Principles, 14th Edition provides students with a clear overview of fundamental financial and managerial accounting concepts with a focus on learning the accounting cycle from the sole proprietor perspective. Through a primary review of accounting transactions, integrated real-world examples, and a variety of practice opportunities, students develop a thorough understanding of how to apply accounting principles and techniques in practice. Students work through an entire program that builds their mastery of accounting concepts with an emphasis on decision making and key data analysis skills appropriate at the introductory level that keeps them engaged and better prepared to connect the classroom to the real world.

Principles. GAAP generally uses one of two measurement principles, the
historical cost principle or the fair value principle. Selection of which principle to
follow generally relates to tradeoffs between relevance and faithful

Accounting Principles, Peachtree Complete Accounting Workbook

Weygandt Accounting Principles starts with what students know. In the new Ninth Edition, students clearly see the relevance of accounting in their everyday lives and are therefore motivated to do the work assigned. Weygandt Accounting Principles introduces challenging accounting concepts with examples that are familiar to the student. This connection to their everyday lives helps build student motivation, a key driver of student time spent on assignments and ultimately their mastery of the concept.

Explain generally accepted accounting principles and the cost principle. Explain
the monetary unit assumption and the economic entity assumption. State the
accounting equation, and define its components. Analyze the effects of ...